Friday, February 04, 2005

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Trump

When, exactly did Donald Trump become "cool"? And when did ass-kissing a boorish rich guy become a national pastime?

Trump has the worst comb-ver in the free world, wears pink ties, and mouths such profundities as "sometimes when you're a leader you have to do think for yourself and do things the group might not like." Somebody call the Nobel Committee: I think we have another laureate on the loose!

The episode of this boring, boardroom version of Survivor I watched involved the interns competing in teams to come up with rival quickie marketing stunts for Tasteless Choice, I think it's called. the coffee product. So the show basically was an add for the stuff.

One team, the "street smart" bunch (oh yeah, real street, like NWA in the 90s) came up with a presidential debate theme, while the kids with the Ivy League degrees decided to give away iPods while giving away coffee.

They paid, say $50K a year for their educations, and this is the best they could come up with? I'd want my money back -- or probably more to the point Mom and Dad should demand the refund.

The college kids also had a guy on the team who had "immunity" from getting fired from Trump Island that week, and he was quite the asshole.

His behavior, though, made me once again question what, if anything, is "real" about so-called reality TV. The jack-ass's behavior tied way too neatly into a point Trump was trying to make earlier in the show about leadership: the goof's project boss didn't know how to handle him and wound up getting booted off the show.

The project guy was some sort of capitalist Beck wannabe who brought his guitar with him and was way too mellow and slow on the draw. I mean how hard was it to figure out to give the irritating guy the day off?

But then again, on reality shows, the first star was Richard Hatch, the obnoxious, fat, naked gay guy -- usually not a winning combination in any contest.

Anyway, before he got booted, the Beckish one tried to convince Trump to let the jerk with immunity go. Trump told him he couldn't because rules are rules.

Now that was funny! Because, as we all know, super rich people have all played fair and square to get to the top of the pile.

What added to the humor was that Tasteless Choice recently was succesfully sued by the guy they had on their label for a few million dollars. It seems the Nestle forgot to pay him for using his image, which they did without his permission.


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