Sunday, November 20, 2005

Hummer Man on the highway

Hey, get the fuck out of my way. If you don’t like it that I am driving 90 mph while I am talking on the cell phone, smoking, drinking coffee, listening to Ted Nugent, watching football highlights and weaving in and out of traffic, well pay attention dammit and don’t blame me if I hit you.

Because it would be your own goddam fault if you didn’t see me. I mean, who the fuck can’t see a bright yellow Hummer coming at them? I love the name of my car, don’t you? It reminds me of that bitch Monica Lewinski who did a service for America by servicing that liberal faggot Bill Clinton, showing what a dipstick he and his lesbo wife are.

I mean Rush is right and that’s not just the oxycontin talking. Damn liberals are out to make America some fairyland where a man can’t even get a piece of red meat. The fuckers would let Osama take over if they had their way, and they wouldn’t care if he closed the strip clubs because they are all a bunch of goddam homos anyway.

And don’t let them fool you. If we weren’t over in Iran or Iraq or whichever Ira country it is fighting them there and blowing up shit, the terrorists would be blowing up shit here. I mean what can’t the panty waist liberals get about that? If it takes destroying a pissant little country like that to save our skins, that’s the price we have to pay. Besides, by brother-in-law has a great job with Haliburton, You should see the bonus check he’s getting this year.

So bring it on motherfucking Ring of Death or whatever that nickname is W made up for you bastards.

And God bless W. Stupid commie Democrats don’t even realize all the good shit he’s done for this country. Hell, look at all he’s doing for the folks in New Orleans. He’d gonna rebuild that shit hole so respectable people will want to live there, make it all nice and better for the tourists, and use that rubble to build it higher so that they can have townhomes and condos.

Goddam fucking toll booth, damn state and its taxes, taxes, taxes. Oh sure, I got a tax break when I bought this H2, thanks to W, not the Tax-ocrats. But Illinois is annoying me.

Ah fuck it. I’ll just drive on the shoulder. I’m late for megachurch.

People hates me and doesn't think I is sexy

I am still bummed out that I yet again failed to make People magazine’s list of the sexiest men alive. I made the dead list once, but that’s another story.

They named John Goodman to the list once, so I know it’s not because I am fat -- as I look positively anorexic next to that guy. And it can’t be because I am bald, because that English guy from Star Trek was on the list before, and so was that singer Seal, whose face looks like some sort of relief map.

Oprah said if you just dream it you can make it come true. So much for the power of positive thinking. I’m calling it the Fallen Angel Network, sister, and if I ever see that bus roll into my town I’m letting the air out of the tires and telling the police they use it to abduct suburban housewives. taking them to the Harpo compound in California where they brainwash bourgeous white women with designer free crap and books by Dr. Phil and force them to read novels they were too drunk to read in college.

Talk to the hand, the hand that uses moisturizer, just like those Queer Eye guys said. Fat good it did me. Likewise those fabulous decorating tips, the recipes that cost $50 each to make, and the Michael Buble CDs.

How can the people at People not see my inner beauty, the kind that really counts? To hell with you Deepak Okra and your mystical vegetarian bullshit. May you be reincarnated as the sinus cavity of a super model.

And to hell with that chick singer, the one with the song about being Beautiful. I danced around my living room in my boxer briefs, believing every word. Honey, you’re beautiful because you can afford backlighting and a good plastic surgeon.

If People can’t accept the fact that I am sexy, I am calling for a total boycott. I refuse to read another copy, even if it is the only magazine in the doctor’s office, or the last rag I haven’t look at while using the stair machine at the gym, because frankly that’ s the only time I ever pick up a copy.

Still, it hurts.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Soxual Healing

So I haven’t blogged in well over a month. So much porn, so little time.

Well, there’s that. But the real reason is (aside from I don’t have much to say) that I’ve been distracted by the Chicago White Sox. It’s been almost two weeks since they swept the World Series, a fact I am still coming to terms with.

Now I’m not the biggest baseball fan in the world. In fact, though I do pay attention to the really long season, I treat it most of the year like background music. That is, occasionally I will turn it up for a really good play, much as you would when you hear a cool tune.

But the White Sox had me hooked for good from their August swoon through the playoffs.

First, theirs the fact the team is part of my heritage. I sucked at baseball but liked to listen to it on the radio with my grandfather. It was probably the first sport I was exposed to, the first games I went to - either that or listening to Notre Dame football on my dad’s old Grundig stereo (with a thing that made a shamrock shape when the station was properly tuned).

You can take the boy out of the South Side, but some things stick.

Aside from roots, the team this year was filled with good stories: a manager who should have his own one-man Broadway show or become the next Evita; a relief pitcher, a down and out drunk at the tender age of 24, who got his act together, if not his waist line (and how South Side is that?); a pain in the ass catcher who clicked; two Cuban refugee pitchers; a stellar pitching staff to rival any I recall from my youth (A’s, Orioles) and a United Nations cast of characters.

The thing is, watching them in the play-offs, I acquired a set of quirks to rival anyone on meds for OCD -- which means just about any baseball player (see Houston Astros bad facial hair, for example).

Here’s my list:

As the playoffs wore on, I took to sleeping with the radio on should some late breaking news happen (about the team or otherwise, as this felt a tad like the world changing)

II wore the same pair of gym shorts made out of sweat pants material all month, without washing them, to bed every night.

I tipped my hat to the full moon and my long gone grandpa after the team clinched the American League pennant.

I was celibate. Never mind, nothing new there.

I went out of my way to be nice to people - to keep karma in line.

I played Christmas music in late October, not because I work at a shopping center, but because it feels like Christmas.

Even though I have three White Sox caps, I didn’t wear any of them on game days. I refrained from buying any new team gear until after the World Series, lest I be presumptuous.

While watching the last three games, I sat in the same wooden rocking chair, with my glass on the same side of my chair, and knocked on the wooden arms four times (twice with each hand) when things looked tough.

I teared up on several occasions like a middle aged woman at a Barry Manilow concert.

I made up my own “Sox Love” hand gesture.

I did a drive-by shouting the night the team won the Series, rolling slowly past a bar where the owner, a diehard Cubs fan refused to play Sox games, yelling “ha ha” at the top of my lungs, like Nelson on The Simpsons.

And after it was all over I went on a Sox shopping spree, like some overgrown 12 year old. That included buying things for other people (hey, the karma thing), but also getting a Bobby Jenks jersey online (the first time I have paid full price for a jersey with someone’s name stitched on it). Reason: he was the guy on the mound when the team won it all, and he is the guy I most resemble (which probably is not a good thing for either one of us). The spree included a trip to Grandstand, the mom and pop store down the street from Us Cellular Field, where I waited in line for a half hour to buy my gear.

I bought every magazine I could find about the victory, to give my brother for Christmas. I was a bit miffed that the national press didn’t wet itself like they did last year after the Red Sox finally won it all. Then again, this confirmed the East Coast bias in the media.

Not necessarily an elitist thing, just a lazy thing, as the stories I heard from long-suffering fans here in Chicago were just as compelling as any I heard out of Boston in 2004. But that’s South Side, too, not being appreciated, just going about and doing your business, and even if it’d damn good it ain’t Hollywood glamorous.

Now, two weeks later, as clocks have been pushed back and it’s dark at 4:30, I’m finally getting used to the fact there is no more baseball to watch. Life seems pretty boring, mostly because it is pretty boring out here in the suburbs, among Cubs fans who could care less.

Two weeks on I can still tell you the names of all the Sox starters, by position, even if I can’t spell ‘em (Konerko, Iguchi, Uribe, Crede, Perzinski, Podsednik, Rowand, Dye) the four man starting pitching rotation (Contreras, Buehrle, Garland, Garcia) and much of the bullpen (Politte, Hernandez, Marte, Cott, Hermanson, Jenks).

I am in withdrawal. Is there such a thing as a sports-watchers rehab clinic?