Monday, March 21, 2005

Whose will?

I am glad our president is so divinely connected that he knows it is God's will to keep someone alive on a feeding tube for 15 years.

But if only God can decide when to take a life, doesn't Buhs play God with the death penalty and by sending people to war?

The right wing doesn't like it when science plays God with genetic engineering and stem cell research. And some of them don't accept the theory of evolution. Yet, when science can keep people "alive" in far, far, far, far less than human ways, that's OK, that's God's will.

I don't know all the details of the Schiavo case. I think that should be a private, family matter. What horrible choices to have -- allowing someone to starve to death or to live on by means of a feeding tube.

Since the government is willing to step in, is it going to provide for the costs of keeping someone alive indefinitely in such a state, emotionally, physically and financially?


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