Monday, October 27, 2008

Dog days: On why I have stopped blogging (for now)

I could say I've stopped blogging because I saw Edward II at Chicago Shakespeare a few weekends ago and was left speechless. That's the classic where the king gets in the end, literally: his assassin kills him by shoving a hot poker up his ass.

But the only thing that bothered me about it was somebody brought a 10 year old.

Or I could say it was because I caught a cold. Or that I am still bummed the White Sox floundered in the playoffs.

Or blame it on my laptop, which broke down - but I got it fixed in a day and that was over summer. Or I could say the dog I was watching for a weekend ate my computer, which would be a big lige.

Or I could blame my Dad. I was all set to write about how he - a product of the South Side Irish of Chicago from back in the day when ethnic groups kept to themselves and all didn't like black people - was set to vote for Barack Obama. And Obama got his start community organizing at two of the Catholic churches where my parents had connections.

But dear old Dad never registered to vote when he moved out West. He doesn't want to get called for jury duty.

But nay, the real reason I have taken a break is all this blathering.

There are simply too many words being put into the world right now. Once the election is over, maybe I will start up again. But now it's Babylon, baby, and I'd rather just be quiet.


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